Wednesday 31 October 2012





The Lotteries Wes Welker.


So is the Lotteries season over?  It would appear so as Coach Andy steered his side to a fourth win of the season and for the Lottery that’s where the wins normally end.  The Denver duo of Manning and Decker did the damage with a 49.90pt haul between them.  The win takes the Lottery back to the top of a Central division that is surely being contested by just three teams.  Could the Lottery finally have a Divisional title to put in their currently barren trophy room?
Coach Laurent may have enjoyed his trip to England ’s green and pleasant land but two defeats on the spin have seen the Leader drop to third in the South.  He may be the leagues most traveled Coach but it would appear that our French leader needs to spend a little more time tending to his franchise and postpone the globe trotting until the seasons end.


Wembley stadium.  Not made of ice.


The Mafia became the second team from the Central to defeat the Autopickbears despite posting a paltry 89.58 points.  This was however a third win on the bounce for the potty mouthed pixie and there are whispers in the press that it may be time to take Coach Cullen seriously.  But in reality the Mafia are not a threat to anyone.  They are a poor side that has stumbled across a few lucky wins.  Expect their luck to run out when they receive one hell of a beating at the hands of the autopick warriors in week 9.  
Coach Paul may just be beginning to feel the heat and when your stadium is made of ice that came only lead to trouble.  The form of QB Manning will be causing sleepless nights for the Coach that set the league alit with 5 straight wins.  More tossing and turing will be caused by the fact that the autopickbears are 1-2 over the course of the past 3 weeks.  A maximum of three more wins should be enough to see Coach Paul to the playoffs for the first time but does his side have three more wins left in it?


The Swedes impressive tight end.

It is of course still mathematically still possible, but as we all know, whenever someone states that its still mathematically possible, it is in reality, over.  Coach Jonathan, your season is over.  Thus far we have witnessed the most pitiful defense of your title. You have brought shame upon the once feared Ttttaylor franchise.  The worse thing about it all is the fact that Ttttaylor has posted some decent scores.  They have lost more close games than anyone else in the league.  It’s almost as if they are being punished.  If the cards continue to fall the same way for the rest of the season Coach Taylor could well be drafting number 1 come season 5 and a humbled silent Coach Taylor drafting at number 1 doesn’t bear thinking about.
Angered by press reports that they where the weakest Swedes team in franchise history Coach Peter sent out his with fire in their bellies and they responded with second highest weekly score this league has ever seen.  It's fair to say that they now look like the best Swedes franchise in league history. It was a case of points, points, points with Gronkowski's 29.60 a new league record for a tight end. The Swedes are now placed 2nd in the North just 1 win behind the faltering autopickbears. They are ranked 4th overall and are the highest scoring outfit in the league. They are, in fact, super.


The Disco's Richardson.  He never made a football move.

                                         FANTASY REALITY: DISCO BY 9.94

The Disco danced a jig of delight after this much needed win against the inconsistent Bench Warmers. But before Coach Calum reaches for the Pear Cider in celebration he should consider that his side remain rock bottom of the South and are ranked 10th overall. They will need to beat all their divisional rivals to stand any chance of making the playoffs and its just not gonna happen. Coach Calum can't give Vick away dispite the fact he finally outscored Griffin 3 this week. Run DMC finally did, but Richardson, Nicks, Jackson, Gordon, Rudolph and Akers all failed to break double digits. Week 9 sees a match up against a poor Rocks outfit but from there on in its difficult to make the case for the Frogs finding another win for the rest of the season.
What to make of the Bench Warmers? Cruz failed to ignite against the Cowboys, Rogers was adequate against the Jags, Henderson was a no show against Denver. Whilst some teams in the league will be see a 4-4 record as apositive the Bench Warmers 4-4 sinks of under achievement, of bad calls and poor use of the waivers. Coach Richard should bounce back thanks to a soft match up in week 9 against Ttttaylor and may still end the season with a positive record but in the ultra competitive North that may not be enough.


Both coaches avoid the Wembley party.

Just when the Warriors become relevant they drop 2 on the spin and now have the same 4-4 record as their nemesis the Mafia. They have of course been hit hard by the byes in recent weeks and we expect and much better showing in their week 9 match up against the aforementioned Mafia. The week 9 derby is about far more than local pride a win for the Warriors is essential if they are to keep pace with the autopickbears and the now truly Super Swedes. Coach Conor's season long worry will be the form of QB Rivers who is in danger of costing the Warriors their season. Rivers aside they still have the look of a playoff bound franchise.
Coach Botond will be as surprised as anyone to find that the Factory are currently the 3rd ranked team in the entire league. They post a positive 5-3 record and sit on 2nd in the South right on the shoulder of 79FC. The Factory, once the laughing stock of the league, are in position for their first ever post season adventure. Their week 9 match up against the Lottery is currently to close to call but a win here for the Factory and the rest of the league really will have to start taking notice.


79Fc's Tom Brady.  Really quite good.

                                            FANTASY REALITY: 79FC BY 51.80

Coach Keeper league was one of five CNFLE coaches to make the trip to Wembley and of all those in attendance the 79FC leader cheered the loudest as his New England trio handed over 69.26pts. We said it before, but here we go again, New England perform, 79FC perform, it really is as simple as that. It was infact, Coach Martin's week 8 opponent, Coach Lars, who led the way in drafting a team around one particular franchise but Coach Keeper league appears to have perfect the eggs in one basket approach and now sits atop the South and 2nd overall. Could we be looking at a 2nd Carltonbowl win in 3 season for 79FC? Are they a dynasty in the making?
If 79FC are New England then the Bones Rocks are and always have been the 49ers. But if you are going to draft a raft of 49ers then the least you can do is start them are. Coach Lars left a season high 57pts and the win on the bench. This is not the first time that Coach Lars has cost himself the win and as a consequence his side has tumbled to 3rd in the Central and a shocking 11th overall. The Rocks have the squad to make the playoffs, Coach Lars just has to pick the team to make it happen.

                                        GOOD CALL 

Coach Peter. Every player he picked


Coach Lars. Every player he didn't pick.


Griffin III: 172.64

Vick : 121.66

So the Autopickbears are the only team to start and finish the weekend as leaders of their division despite losing for the second time in three weeks. The Super Swedes and 79FC are the weeks stand out performers, the Swedes thanks to their outrageous tally and 79FC thanks to claiming 5 places to claim the title of the leagues best none autopicked franchise. Study the matchups, hit the waiver wire, offer a trade or two, this season is a long way from over.

Good luck gentleman.

Jim Marrs – Never letting facts get in the way of a good story.

Friday 26 October 2012


By now we all know that the CNFLE is without a shadow of doubt the most competitive fantasy football league this side of Sacramento, however just how many points does it take to win a game in the CNFLE? Take a guess before you go any further.
Remember that number.
Through the first seven weeks of the CNFLE IV campaign the average score for the team that won was 115 points. (Calc A). I bet that was pretty near to your guess. However, the actual figure for the average weekly score required to win a game (Calc B) in the CNFLE IV is only 95.5points, significantly less than the winners score average.
Surprising huh! So then, bearing that number in mind you may not be totally surprised to know that three teams have scored more points that that average winning score yet still managed to lose more than the other nine CNFLE franchises. Ttttaylor, Fear Factory and Hairy Frog Disco are the three members of that unwanted club. the number of games they have dropped, despite posting scores above the League average, is three.
Now it should come as no surprise that Ttttaylor and Disco are on that list as they have accrued more losses than anyone else so far this season, however Coach Botond in the South has only lost three games so far this season in total, each one despite scoring higher than the league average. Unlucky? Pundits have suggested he could be 7&0? So read on.
On the flip side of that equation, we should also ask, ‘which are the teams that have won the most despite scoring less than the league average winning score? Well strange you should enquire but two teams are tied with two wins apiece. Seventy Nine FC and (you’ve guessed it) Coach Botond’s Fear Factory. Lucky? On the basis that all things are equal in the world of statistics the Factory should therefore stand at a theoretical 5-2.
It seems that the CNFLE Gods are inclined to take with one hand yet give it back in equal measure with the other.
Print it… It’s a fact
* Calc A has been calculated by adding up all the winners scores and dividing by the total number of games
* Calc B has been calculated from the losers score +1 point divided by the total number of games



Fantasy Pts.  Like manna from heaven.

All time series record : Warriors lead 2-0
Last time out : Factory 78 – 104 Royale

Fear factory jumped from 3rd to 1st in the South which is the tightest division of the lot after beating the Swedes last week. Some pundits have suggested that with a little bit of luck they could be 7&0, but by the same token they could well be 2&5. Every time the Warriors seem to be making progress they inexplicably falter. Last week Coach Conor’s boys almost clawed back a 28 point deficit on the Rocks, falling just short to drop to 4 & 3. Or was that Coach Cullen? It’s difficult to tell.

Despite the Saints woeful early season form, Drew Brees is doing his best to keep them in the hunt for playoff glory. The same can be said for Fear Factory as the regular 30+ points returned from the veteran gun slinger is like manna from heaven. Denver has a good pass defence, but Brees should still prosper. For the Warriors, Rivers has been inconsistent at best, but has a good matchup against the Browns, who despite having Joe Haden back up to speed have been leaky of late. EDGE : FACTORY

The running back position has been one of woe for the Factory this season, as soon as Jackson went down early in the season it sent Botond scrambling onto the waiver wire. This week fab Freddie is on a bye which means that the Botond backfield consists of the unpredictable Leshoure and the limited Green. Leshoure has the potential but not the matchup this week whilst Green Bay Green has the matchup, although word to the wise, the Jags held D-Mac to a neglible amount of yards last time out. Once more the byes have deprived the Autopicks of a stellar performer with elite back Ray Rice riding the pine for week 8. In will come one of the Steelers back as cover with Dwyer looking the most likely due to injury to Mendenhall and Redman. Mathews has a good looking matchup against the Browns and due to the fact that he is the lone bright spark in a pair of bleak backfields give the Warriors the edge. EDGE : WARRIORS

Garcons toe has ruled him out for week 8 and waiver wire wizard Hawkins is on a bye which has forced Botond’s hand somewhat and reinstates the Double Big D formation with week one wonder Ogletree to partner ‘Bionic’ Miles Austin. Both could see a lot of looks as Dallas will surely be throwing the ball long and often when they fall behind against a resurgent Giants team. Marshall has a fantastic matchup against Carolina as the Bears look strong this year. Once again the Warriors are missing a key component as League leading receiver AJ Green sits this one out. At the time of going to press, the Autopick’s have not yet secured a replacement however Fitzgerald and Bowe are more than capabale of sharing the load. The receiving corps has been the strength of the Autopicks outfit but Fitz’s matchup against the Niners secondary doesn’t look too appetizing this week. EDGE : FACTORY

It’s Veterans Day at the tight end position, so get the Zimmerframes out and make sure all the vegetables are suitably mashed as Gates and Gonzo drag their weary bodies off the gurneys to face each other again. Two of the undisputed greats of the position, Gates has been a little quiet this season but still carries big play potential. Gonzo however has had a stellar start to the 2012 campaign. Both have tasty matchups but Gonzo’s consistent performances thus far earn him a clear edge. EDGE : WARRIORS

Giants kicker Tynes is the position leader through seven weeks and should get plenty of opportunities to score this week. Botond keeps faith with the Cardinals defence which has been nothing short of sensational so far. This week the Phoenix flyers face divisional foe the 49ers in what has become the Division of Defence in the NFL. It will be a tight game that’s for sure. Raiders kicker Janikowski is always one of those players in demand but can be frustrating due to his lack of opportunity for a points and win shy franchise. Last week the Warriors needed almost 30 points from the Bears match to clutch a victory from the jaws of defeat. Not only was it considered a possibility but it almost happened. With defensive scores of 27pts, 38pts and now 20pts in the last 3 weeks a matchup against Carolina looks more than appealing, it looks like a massacre! EDGE : WARRIORS

With both teams needing a win to stretch their win loss record to 5-3, the Warriors simply have to win this one to keep any hopes of divisional success alive however the loss of both Green and Rice will weigh heavily on their big score potential. We expect Brees to click into gear and despite a non existent running effort the Factory will take this one just in spite of the Bears posting a massive defensive total.



The stars are aligned for Coach Cullen.

All time series record : Mafia lead 1-0
Last time out : Dnickman 151 – 107 Baptists

After two straight wins, the volume button has been turned up on the Vancouver channel as Coach Cullen has wasted no time in letting everyone know that he is back. Posting consecutive scores in excess of 130 suggests that there is some substance to all the noise, however the real test awaits this week as they face the Polarbears who have only dropped one loss all season and who contested a real humdinger with the Disco eventually running out victors by 3 points.

No major bye week issues for the Mafia this time round means that it is almost a full strength team for week 8 aside from the Jets coming in for the Ravens. No biggie there then. But hold the back page, it seems that the Mafia have finally lost patience with Romo as the erratic Cowboy gunslinger makes way for stellar performer from week 7 Josh Freeman. Nelson has a great matchup against a hapless Jags defence and Coach Cullen will be hoping that the Tampa tandem is in full effect again this week as Jackson squares up to a Vikes D which has been a solid performer. Can CJ2K repeat last weeks heroics? Well he does have a favourable matchup this week but has probably done enough in his own mind now to deserve a little snooze?

Did Denarius Moore’s late game heroics merely paper over the ever widening cracks in the Bears recent repertoire or was it a healthy indicator of how they fight, fight, fight to the bitter end? Whatever it shows, there is certainly no room for sentiment in Coach Paul’s camp as the hero of last week, Moore, has been unceremoniously dumped of the bears bench for week 8 making way for speed sensation Cobb who has rendered Jennings groin moot in Green Bay. Manning has struggled in recent weeks but still finds a way to win but don’t expect too much from the two time Superbowl winner this week against a decent Dallas secondary in the Jerrydome. Aside from the receivers and with Foster riding the pine, it looks a little thin for Bear Bryant this week.

With the undisputed lead of the Central on the line, and with Houston on a bye, the stars are aligned for Coach Cullen to reel off his third straight and become only the second team to down the Bears. With both victories coming in the past three weeks and the win in between against a pathetic Disco performance, is this a Polarbear wobble or the start of a spectacular collapse?



Coach Peter.

All time series record : Swedes lead 2-0
Last time out : Ttttaylor 86 – 110 Swedes

Ttttaylor hates losing, the Swedes have publicly stated they hate losing, we all hate losing, but someone from these two will have to lose. Ttttaylor arrives on the back of a new low after losing to the ‘8 men out’ of Seventy Nine FC, whilst Coach Peter lost to a resurgent Fear Factory despite scoring more than the required CNFLE average. Ttttaylor are surely now playing for pride, but not so fast, they, like the Swedes are only two games off first place so a win for either here could prove to be just the ticket required to take the trip to Glorysville.

Ryan and Jones return to Ttttaylors team, but have a tough matchup this week against an Eagles D which is playing well against opponents at least until the fourth quarter anyways. Charles also makes his return and has a tempting game lined up against the Raiders although the last stud who faced the black and silver went home on a cart! Kenny Britt returned to full practice and he and Cook both have an opportunity against the Colts this week although much will depend on how CJ2K fares.

With Baltimore and Cincy both on byes the Swedes hand is forced somewhat and Stafford makes his return despite having a tough matchup against Seattle. McGahee returns for Green Ellis which is an upgrade on recent performances. Reggie Wayne is red hot and has developed a keen chemistry with rookie QB Luck and Thomas could be in line for a great night against a New Orleans D that hasn’t improved despite the bye week reconditioning. Gronk heads for jolly old London and will hope to give the Old Englanders something to cheer about.

The season can’t really get any worse for our reigning champ, however if results go the right way this week they could conceivably be only one game behind the leader in the Central. The same could be said for the Swedes who currently prop up the North despite posting a record that would have them clear in the Central. In a game that’s tighter than expected it’s the Swedes that regain momentum however.



Is Coach Calum on his way to Wembley?

All time series record : Disco lead 2-0
Last time out : Disco 104 – 100 Riggins

It seems that the Disco may have given up the ghost on this season after another heartbreaking defeat, this time to the Polarbears. Before this season started the Disco had never lost a game to an opponent from the North, this year they are two played and two lost. A matchup against the Riggins team is always keenly fought however and after scoring a record losing score in week 6 the Riggins boys earned their W with a modest 100 point tally last week. As the highest scorers in the League they currently average 116.5 points per game.

Injuries have put paid to the Disco chances several times this season so in order to combat that recurring issue Headcoach Calum enlists the help of… Greg Jennings? Go figure. It’s a move that smacks of desperation. Murray is still out and Felix Jones is banged up so the former playoff coach turns to St Louis second string Daryl Richardson to inject some fresh impetus into the season. It’s a sorry state of affairs when the loss of the Houston defence threatens to derail their challenge this week.

Riggins have some minor bye week issues as Spiller takes to the Warmers chair, however in comes Bush and Turner who have both been productive so far this season although Turner does have a tough matchup against the Beagles. Rodgers will torch the Jags all day long if the Coaches don’t decide to go easy on the London bound franchise. Floyd will return to face the Browns and Bryant and Cruz will go head to head at Texas stadium in the big NFE East matchup. Question marks still surround what measures Coach Richard will take to mitigate the loss of Davis to a season ending toe injury.

It is reported that both Coaches will be talent spotting at Wembley this weekend which may affect their chances of making last minute changes. Only a fool would back the Disco against the red hot Riggins boys and this week I ain’t no fool. Although it should be noted that if results go the way of the Hairies they could only be one game off the lead!



Coach Andy.  Not happy.

All time series record : Leader leads 2-0
Last time out : Leader 96 – 89 Lottery

Both teams come into week 8 looking to make amends for choking on the rarified air associated with first place after losing their week 7 matchups. Leader was humbled by an in form Mafia whilst the Lottery cursed the fates that gave them hope with the excellent form of MJD before swiftly taking it away on a medikart!

The big worry for the Frenchman going into this matchup is the dubious form of stand out wide receiver, Megatron. Not only is he off the pace but he missed practice early in the week due to a sore knee. Big Ben returns to the line up after missing last week and has an outstanding opportunity to heap some massive points onto the board against a sometime shambolic Redskins secondary. AP will look to cement his recovery from cruciate agony with a good performance against the Bucs and the Seahawks will prove to be too strong for the Detroit offence.

With MJD out, William Powell retains his spot albeit not down to his week 7 performance but to the fact that Coach Andy has not got a better option. Surely he will raid the waiver wire later this week? Manning Snr is back from his break and will look to torch the Saints. Shady McCoy will be given the ball at least 20 times as the Eagles will run the ball against the Falcons to keep Falcons signal caller Matty on Ice. Welker will be in London and will look for repeat of his previous visit. If Big Ben goes long then Wallace could be the target so it could be a double whammy against Washington this week.

With Steven Jackson on a timeshare and the potential for Megatron to face the fearless French defence much will depend on Big Ben. However with the Lottery owning two of the Steeler receivers French points count for nowt as Lottery pinch join in the fun. Manning will prove he still has it…. Again!



Hilton.  An interesting selection.

All time series record : Series tied 1-1
Last time out : Niners 82 – 89 Boners

After receiving an official warning for not fielding a full team against Ttttaylor despite posting the win Coach Martin will need to make sure that there are no infringements this time round. Coach Lars, despite being ranked dead last in multiple measurable statistical categories is still top of the Central after beating the erratic Warriors posting an unusually high 100 points last week.

The Seventy Nine FC roadshow comes to London this week and Terrific Tom will look to show the Great British public that he has lost none of his talent by pulling the wool over the eyes of the Rams secondary implementing Bills tricky gameplan. Morris has been a revelation for the Redskins but may find it tougher this week against a sturdy Steelers front seven. Richardson insists he will play despite his niggle. TJ Hilton is an interesting selection this week against the Titans.

It’s difficult to understand just how the Rocks are doing it, but doing it they certainly are. Fig Newton will find it tough this week against a savage Bears D. Greene will also find it tough this week against improved Fins play calling and Gore will be in a battle of the trenches in Phoenix. On the plus side the 49ers should limit a limited cards offence and James Jones will see plenty of action now the cat is out of the bag on Cobb.

This matchup is difficult to predict mainly due to the fact that both teams tend to score small but still win! This week it’s the turn of the Boners to take the glory in a match that Riggins alone will score more than.


Wins for Factory, Mafia, Swedes, Riggins, Lottery and Rocks brings the Bears back to within one game in the North, the Central is a three way tie at .500 and the factory take sole possession of top spot in the South.

Don’t shoot the messenger.

Just the facts ma’am.

Talking of which, it should be noted that despite reports to the contrary, and the fact we are always happy to take undeserved credit, a full house, clean sweep in the picks was not in fact achieved last week as the decision to plump for the Lottery in last weeks Game of the Week was in fact undone by MJD hobbling off after two plays. Another black mark for Jim I am afraid.

Latest odds supplied by Vasco De Gama

Pauls Polarbears 5-6
Tim Riggins Bench Warmers 5-4
Fear Factory 7-4
Super Swedes 2-1
West Coast mafia 2-1
It’s a Lottery 3-1
Autopick Warriors 7-2
French Leader 4-1
Bone Rocks 6-1
Seventy Nine FC 6-1
Hairy Frog Disco 25-1
Ttttaylor 33-1

Wednesday 24 October 2012



Coach Andy.  Not happy.
                                      FANTASY REALITY: BENCHWARMERS BY 25.44

With an aching predictability the Lotteries stay atop the Central came to an end after one all too brief week following this loss to the Benchwarmers. All three wide receivers failed to show and once MJD limped out the game after just a couple of carries Coach Andy could safely switch off his laptop and start planning for week 8. MJD is scheduled to return before the end of the season but watching a third starting running back fall in three seasons has got to hurt the Lotteries chances this year.
Rogers & Cruz scored nearly 60% of the Benchwarmers points and the loss of either would certainly derail Coach Richard's season but as things stand their lowest pts total so far this year takes them to a 4-3 record, 2 behind the leader atop the North.


The Autopick Bears.

                                      FANTASY REALITY: AUTOPICK BEARS BY 3.06

With certain quarters of the press questioning Coach Paul's Autopick Bears the leagues leading coach responded with his 6th win of what is surely now a playoff bound season. 
Last season's worst team and last season's heartbreak finalist jousted back and forth all night long with neither team able to build a last lead. Coach Calum's Johnson made an appearance and although its not the most impressive Johnson in the league it nevertheless performed adequately. With the clock ticking on the early games, just when it appeared that the Disco was pulling away, a lackluster Manning delivered a 70yards TD pass to Cruz and the Autopick Bears took a slender lead into the final match up. It all came down to Coach Pauls WR Moore and Coach Calum's RB McFadden. The bookies favoured MCFadden to bring home the win but Moore's 9.60pts beat McFadden's 8.10pts and handed the Autopick Bears the win.
That's 4 defeats one the spin now for the once mighty Disco, a franchise record. Whilst you have to admire Coach Calum's weekly rallying cries the sad truth is this franchise is not for turning, a coarse has been set and the Disco are heading for a losing season and a high draft pick come 2013.


Bress keeps chucking the pigskin.

                                             FANTASY REALITY: FACTORY BY 12.74

The Swedes may well hate losing but that didn't spot it becoming a reality as the Factory kept them at arms length for the duration of this match up. A one stage in the evening it was the Super Swedes v Super Brees and the even then the Swedes were still losing. The Swedes now stand 4-3 at this, the official half way mark of the season. Week 8 sees a contest against your reining CNFLE champions, the appalling Ttttaylor, so the Swedes should be sitting 5-3 as we head for the turn. Could this be the weakest Swedes side ever to make the playoffs?
This week its the turn of the Factory to sit atop the South as one of three teams in the division (and 6 in the league) with a 4-3 record. Next week it might be the turn of 79FC, the week after that we could see French Leader return to the summit such is the evenly matched nature of the South but for as long as Brees keeps chucking the pigskin the Factory have a good a shout as anyone else of making the playoffs.


Coach Cullen needs to believe.

                                                  FANTASY REALITY: ROCKS BY 5.9

For a while there on Sunday night we were looking at one of the most shambolic performances in CNFLE history as a bye week ravaged Warriors fell apart in front of Coach Conors disbelieving eyes! 'Not a prayer' he announced to the assembled press. Oh yeah of little faith. The Bears D actually had the Warriors in the lead late, late, late into this match up only for Coach Conors lack of belief to cost Autopick the game in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The defeat sees them hold on to their second place ranking overall but slip to a three way tie in the fiercely competitive North. Week 8 seems a match up against the Factory that is currently too close to call. These are nervy times for Coach Conor.
Coach Lars saw some promising signs from his Johnson early on but failed to produce any real pay off. Even so, the Rocks return to the top of the Central but have some thinking to do before their week 8 match up against 79FC. QB Schaub will miss this one on a bye and back up, not so Super Cam has been in the news for all the wrong reasons this week. Whilst Cam is projected to post 21.12pts his match up against a fearsome Bears D suggests that this prediction is optimistic at best. Coach Lars may want to scour the waivers or see if there is one last trade doing the rounds.

Mafia's back.


Is the potty mouthed pixie back? The numbers would appear to say yes. The abuse dished out to his fellow Coaches has returned and the Mafia have won 2 on the spin to bounce them right back into contention in a painfully weak Central division. Yes its been a could week for Coach Cullen as not only does he possess the biggest Johnson in the league but his Jackson is pretty handy too. Whilst we have seen the 130pts total breached on a number of occasions this season its not often achieved without a decent return from the starting QB and so far this season Romo has looked like anything but a decent QB. It's time for Coach Paul to buy a pair of earplugs as he prepares for verbal onslaught from the Mafia in week 8. The numbers strongly favour the Mafia in this one and although no-one wants to see it they could be top of the Central by this time next week.
The Leader will be surprised by the severity of this defeat and the news that his Johnson in the smallest in the league and really didn't perform, in such circumstances it's really best just to let it go and focus on the next match up. This is indeed sage advice for the Leader as week 8 sees the visit of the Lottery who will be limping into town without star running back MJD. It's difficult to see anything but a win for the Leader in this one and they will remain in contention for the rest of the season.


Good trade.

                                               FANTASY REALITY: NINERS BY 5.9

Coach Keeper League received an official warning from the league for failing to field a full strength team but escaped a heavy fine due to the fact that they still won. The early season Griffin/Morris trade seems to have worked out well for both Coaches and another good week from Morris will see many coaches begin to pencil him in on next years draft boards. 79FC are the Super Swedes of the South, a franchise that doesn't look particularly strong but keeps on picking up enough wins to keep them in contention. As long as Coach Martin does his job properly 79FC could yet make a return to the playoffs.
Silent Coach Johnathan sadly spends his Sunday hammering nail after nail into the Ttttaylor coffin. They are not mathematically out of the playoff race just yet but it is only a matter of time. Kudos however to our reigning Champion for continue to field a full strength team.


Coach Cullen and his impressive Johnson.


                                         Coach Martin for fielding a incomplete line up.


Griffin III – 158.76

Vick – 103.82





So we have reached the halfway mark, the Autopicks Bears are clearly the leagues best team, whilst the Disco and Ttttaylor fight it out for the right for the wooden spoon. Sandwiched in between are 9 teams of all which have every right to continue to believe.
The eagled eyed among you may have noticed that it was a clean sweep in this prediction stakes this weeks which makes it all the more disappointing that there won't be a week 8 preview as Commissioner Gordon has planned an away day to Wembley for the league's hierarchy. Currently 3 of the leagues Coaches are known to be making the trip. If you are heading Wembley way drop a post on the message board and the Commissioner will be sure to buy you a pint. Proof of age required.

Good luck gentleman.